Safety Coaching, Workplace safety training and coaching 1200 627

Through my career I have been fortunate to work with a great number of first class safety professionals who can really deliver organisational change and a sustainable long term zero harm strategy.

I’ve also had the experience of working with some who just could not achieve the desired personal objectives. For me looking back the main reason for this was not their technical competence in safety, but their interpersonal skills in order to effectively communicate with their target audience.

Strong interpersonal skills linked to a sound understand of the organisational risks most certainly deliver results. How often do organisations look at their safety teams ability to really make a difference?

A solid personal development plan for safety professionals should contain the essential interpersonal elements such as influencing, diplomacy, trustworthiness, flexibility and the ability to listen. 360 degree feedback from their ‘internal clients’ is essential for the calibration and continuous improvement of safety professionals in any organisation. How do you ensure that your safety professionals are working at the top of their game and really achieving value back to your company?

Contact us to discuss your requirements

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