At a recent Health and Safety Executive/ Institute of Quarrying event one of Safety Coaching’s clients James Berry from the Myers Group presented his personal view of the Safety Journey to change the culture of his organisation.
One of the key briefs for the project were to assist James and other Directors drive safety change within the company whilst maintaining the strong family values of the business. Other key strategies where Safety Coaching have assisted the Myers Group:-
– Assisted with the recruitment and selection of key safety and operational personnel to complement the existing management team, to assist in the delivery bespoke company safety initiatives,
– Simplification of procedures and processes for communication ensuring all understand the requirements and more importantly understand the reasons why,
– Occupational Health and Safety leadership training, one to one sessions and accompanied site safety tours,
– Produce a short, medium and long term company strategies against the risks identified, delivering tangible changes and regularly monitoring overall progress.
Click here to watch The Myers Group Safety Journey Presentation